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Read here to check out a few testimonies from our Sparrow Ministries families!

Sparrow single mom (2018)
When I came into the Sparrow program, I had been stuck on survival mode for years. Living in a Sparrow House gave me and my children a chance to breathe, get organized, focus on goals and dreams, make connections with the local community and move forward with our lives.
I was surrounded by a team of support people who were there to help me succeed. They were there to listen and give advice when needed, connect me with resources, pray for me and my kids, encourage me, and even help meet my basic needs. The Sparrow team served my family and worked with me like it was their joy! I never felt like my family was anyone's burden or "project". Instead, I felt honored, loved, upheld, surrounded, strengthened, encouraged and totally blessed.
Periodically, I met with my case manager. We were always amazed to see how much had been accomplished and how God had answered prayers since our last meeting. We prayed together and were always excited to what God would do next! With a church mentor, a team and a Christian church community surrounding my family and holding us up in prayer, so much was accomplished in such a little amount of time.
The opportunity to meet with my church mentor weekly helped me stay grounded in the Word of God, and grow in mental and spiritual health. Many times, it was the only deep conversation I got to have with an adult all week. Having her in my life helped me stay focused on the Truth to keep moving forward and to live victoriously.
I lived in the Sparrow house for approximately 7 months before my housing voucher came up and I was able to move into a home of my own!
Sparrow Single Dad
Being in the Sparrow program gave this dad a sense of being rooted and helped him to feel more confident. He shared that he learned how to be more patient and tolerant with others.
Upon graduating from the program, he stated he is now in a more positive place. He shared that he also learned how to be more assertive in the things in life that are priorities. While in Sparrow, this dad said some highlights he enjoyed were being a part of the online
Alpha Class, participating in the Change Group and the shared dinners in his mentor's home.
Sparrow single mom (2020)
One Sparrow mom testified that in the Sparrow Ministries program, she learned a lot about the spiritual side of herself, about herself, about how to rebuild relationships, make amends for her past and make amends with her partner. Her church mentor meetings helped her process what was going on in her life and she would work on those things that week.
She said, “I had a place to process my feelings, learn who I was, see the hurt and pain from my past and that I was using it against people. I learned to accept my past and that bringing
my past into my life now doesn’t help. I learned that praying helps too. I learned to develop the spiritual part of me, to read, talk and pray. I learned to do it at home by myself.”
She also testified that she gained a better relationship with her family as she progressed through the Sparrow Ministries program. Her kids began trusting her more and she realized
that giving them a stable home helps create that trust. She also shared that her kids behavior throughout her year in Sparrow Ministries started changing. Her oldest child was really angry a lot at the beginning of the year and had started acting out at school. Her 4 year old was acting out a lot too. As the year progressed, the kids’ attitudes became different. She began to see how a stable home has created much more peaceful kids. When asked if she was disappointed that circumstances made it such that we didn’t get very many big sister mentor meetings in for her older daughter, she said, “No. I learned that what my daughter really needed was time with me.” This mom began doing her reading homework for Sparrow with her daughter each week, letting her in on all that she was learning.
In addition, issues would come up from time to time between this mom and her partner. Because of this, she would tell her partner to leave so her kids would not hear them arguing. But as she progressed through the program, she learned not to respond in anger during conflict and everything in her home and relationships began changing for the better. She learned that although at first she thought other people were the problem in her life, she realized that she was actually the one creating a lot of her problems.
Her rocky life is now much more calm and peaceful. She is not rushing around so much and her family has evenings at home
to be together. She told us they had never had that before.
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