Dedicated to providing a temporary home, a supportive community and the resources needed to help struggling families succeed and thrive.
OUR STORY: Increasing levels of homelessness have become a rising concern in Benton county in recent years. In 2017, nearly 300 teenagers were identified as homeless in the Corvallis High School district alone. This growing problem has been a huge area of concern for many in our city in recent years.
Seeing this rising need in our community began stirring a desire in us for the church to rise up and help. Considering this need, we at The Spring, a church in The Hive Communities of Corvallis, began to pray and ask God what He would have us do in the face of this situation. We knew we wouldn’t be able to meet every need, but had begun praying about what part we could play.
Andrew Wenger, a leader at The Spring, carried a particular burden for this dream in his heart. He felt like God had given him so much and he should be sharing with those less fortunate than he. The Scripture in Luke 12:48 which says, Everyone to whom much is given, of him much will be required,” was heavy on him, so he continued to ask God what we as a church should do.
Then, in 2016, Andrew had a dream. In the dream, he saw a single wide manufactured home in a trailer park in Corvallis where we know many people. In the trailer park, our church had given a homeless family a home. People from our church were coming into the trailer and teaching classes on finances and relationships while at the same time supporting and loving this family by building friendships with them. That dream was the catalyst for the beginning of Sparrow Ministries.
After having this dream, a woman started attending our church that was living in a difficult housing situation. She had two children and was also pregnant. Many of us at The Spring had a heart to help her. Our church’s compassion for this friend got the vision off the ground, gave us the impetus needed to get a house ready for her to live in and the motivation to do the work required to start Sparrow Ministries.
The house we renovated did end up being a single wide trailer in the trailer park Andrew had dreamed it would be in. We obtained the trailer in exchange for paying the back taxes on the property and renovated it.
We offered the home to our friend and started the Sparrow Ministries program. The idea became a success and we give thanks to God for helping us join Him in loving our brothers and sisters who are hurting.
That God really loves families that are struggling and we want to join Him in loving them too.
That the church is capable of providing a supportive community, resources and healthy relationships to those desiring to escape toxic situations they are faced with.
That the Bible is God's Word and contains principles that, if followed, lead to a healthy, happy life. As such, we teach these principles in our program. The participants can choose for themselves whether they want to believe in God or not.
That it's possible for all people to be restored to their full God given potential and leave destructive habits and patterns behind if their relationships with God, other people and with themselves are healed and restored.
That the church is the only place in our society today where loving community, teaching on values and morals as well as caring accountability takes place in one setting. As such, we believe the church is a great place for transformation.
That God can speak for Himself, is speaking all the time and desires to speak to each person intimately and personally, providing them with guidance for life.
That nothing can separate us from God's love if we don't want to be separated. He is always ready to be reconciled with us.